The Crunchy Truth: How Pop Chips are MadeNov 27, 2024For more information about our Extruder products, please feel free to contact us!N.P . & COMPANY INC. 3/F. Uno Bldg., No.4-14, Tokuicho, 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan.Tel +81-6-6941-8837 Fax +81-6-6941-8867Contact Us
For more information about our Extruder products, please feel free to contact us!N.P . & COMPANY INC. 3/F. Uno Bldg., No.4-14, Tokuicho, 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan.Tel +81-6-6941-8837 Fax +81-6-6941-8867Contact Us
From Follower to Leader: How We Helped an Instant Noodle Company Stand Out BY USING NP II TASTESCAPE oil